Personal Training

MYTH 1 – one size fits all


No two bodies are the same.

When you want to get results – get the size to fit YOU and this is how you get YOUR best fit for improved fitness.

MYTH: Only for the rich and famous

Personal Training is accessible to everyone.

What do you get? 1-1 sessions with 25years of experience and qualifications – a personalised step by step approach and progressive exercises which evolve every session in line with your improvements.
As your body changes with every exercise you do and how often you do it, it is possible to fine tune the work to suit the person, rather than make the human fit the programme.
Its training at a time that suits you. Its not waiting for equipment or doing the same thing week after week or looking at something random online from someone who has never met you. Its an investment in your health.

These sessions take into account your personal goals and needs analysis and can be provided as part of a course of sessions which is more value or on a single once off basis – please contact regarding options. Sessions may be shared (2 people present). See fee structure.** **Terms and conditions apply See Terms & Conditions and Cancellation Policy

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