Come to the Dark Side - it's better than you think


It's not just for girls!


Sports Performance

  • Improve performance through movement
  • Balance improved sport specific strength and core with improved flexibility
  • Gain more power, more stability and BETTER RESULTS


  • Stand like a bag of spuds, look like a bag of spuds
  • Nothing ages you faster than poor posture
  • Feel amazing no matter what your age
  • Stand tall – look and FEEL younger


  • Using appropriate training to aid pain management and speed recovery for some conditions
  • Safely evolve back to a normal training programme under close scrutiny

Training Methods

Using 1-1 Personal Training sessions, or small select group sessions in TRX suspended training, pilates and other alternative approaches to training, get the results you want at The Lair.


"Life changing Pilates. To sum it up in one word - Happiness. 2 years ago I came upon this lady through a friend and I've never looked back - only on and upwards. I've lost 30inches, dropped 2 sizes in my clothes, I stand tall, my posture is so improved, it's given me so much confidence to conquer other things like TRX, running and climbing mountains! I've gained very nice and positive friends, so if you're looking for a class and instructor like no other, then I highly recommend the Linda Bracken's classes - on and upwards!"

− MELISSA KENIHAN, regular client at The Lair for TRX and Pilates

"Pilates and TRX are sacrosanct in our calendar at home! Everything else revolves around Linda’s classes. Linda is a very knowledgeable, caring and motivational instructor. The small classes ensure a very personal touch to training and instruction. The results are amazing."

− Sharon McNamara - never backs down from a challenge! Winner of the Lair challenge 2018

"Having trained on my own for extended periods I got the opportunity at the start of this summer to join the chosen few and train with Linda .I have noticed a huge improvement in my form and flexibility. As an OCR (Obstacle Course Racer)core strength is of huge importance and I have noticed a significant improvement since starting with Linda .l would highly recommend Linda's training programmes for advancing fitness and strength."

− Mike Freeney - Obstacle Course Runner and unstoppable force

"After my first class I realised that this activity isn't for girlies of any gender and requires control, balance and core strength. Linda is not one to stand still and with her broad training in personal fitness and knowledge of physiology she manages to keep the classes challenging with new variations on exercises and combinations of balance equipment.
If you want to get lost in the crowd and go through the motions, the "Lair" is not the place to be."

− Des O'Donnell - cyclist, swimmer, runner and The Lair Core of Steel Winner 2013

"Linda is amazing at what she does, she makes you want to better yourself and push yourself to try new things. She keeps every session interesting and she will also make you laugh a lot in the process! "

− Nicola Hayes, Regular in TRX, Functional Training and Pilates sessions.

"Linda really knows her stuff. If you think you know Pilates or TRX, think again. There's always a harder, nastier way to do it and Linda is only delighted to escort you to the "dark side" to show you how. See you there, the view is great."

− ANOUK DELIMATA, woman on a mission, never gives up on any exercise (Sports - swim bike run). Regular client at The Lair for Pilates & TRX

"Having been lucky enough to get into Linda's classes, I could never leave! She is highly motivating, her classes are fun, intense and are always different. The small class size means you are getting the benefits of a personal training session as well as having the craic! You work hard but you get results. Highly, highly recommend Linda!"

− Maria McNamara - hard working regular - never EVER gives up

"Linda is an excellent pilates and TRX trainer and I have attended her classes on/off over last 12 years. I am delighted to refer people to The Lair and Linda as her skills as an instructor, her attention to detail and small class size help people reach their goals in fitness and rehabilitation."

− Orla Foley - Kincora Therapy Centre Killaloe, Triathlete, regular client at The Lair

"Very soon after starting Linda’s classes I found I had better posture. I was more conscious of my core and the strength I could draw for it. Any time I have back stiffness or other muscular aches I come away from the class feeling flexible, supple and energised. Linda is a brilliant teacher, her knowledge of pilates, anatomy and personal training are second to none. Every class is an enjoyable class.

I highly recommended Linda’s classes or programmes to everyone no matter what your age or state of fitness."

− Katrina Bradley - cyclist, tennis player, regular at The Lair

"I started Pilates just over 1 year ago on the advice of my Dr as I was having awful trouble with my lower back. It was the best advice I ever got and that's all down to my great instructor Linda. The small classes suit me perfectly as Linda always has her eye on you and quick to correct if you're doing wrong which is vital . Thanks so much Linda I can't recommend you enough it definitely changed my life for the better"

− Elaine Cusack, Convert to Pilates

"I used to have back pain when I stood for too long and also when I cycled. Linda Bracken introduced me to pilates & core training & I then understood what stability balls were used for. Linda's training sessions have eliminated my back pain & I am so much stronger on the bike. A stronger core can only be developed by doing the right exercises under proper guidance. Linda Bracken is living proof that pilates works & I strongly recommend her classes to everyone."

− MIKE O'MEARA, cyclist and regular client at The Lair

"If you would like to change the way you feel and look then just book yourself in to Linda Bracken as she provides a lot more than a gym it’s "exercisecology", mind and body. When you pass through the gates the therapy begins can’t recommend this lady highly enough"

− Brendan Duhig - The Unbreakable

"Small classes, high level of personal attention. Highly motivating! If you want to achieve more than you think possible, go to Linda!"

− Orla Flanagan - very hard working regular and creator of "The Orla"

"If you’re serious about making an improvement to your personal fitness and strength, at every level, this is the place. Small class size with seriously well-defined goals. Professional tuition and a focus on delivery of life-changing results. You can spend the same amount of time elsewhere, but you will not achieve the same results as The Lair. Delighted to endorse Linda, and hanging firmly onto my own slot here :-)"

− Seamus Lynch - Marathon Runner, Cyclist, Iron Man

"Linda is one of the most remarkable women I have ever met. I have been going to TRX classes for five years now and even though I liked each one for different reasons, it's The Lair I've felt most at home in. Linda is the most educated, skilled and knowledgeable person in the fitness game. She is a stickler for good form and has educated me so much on my personal fitness. She is committed to keeping her classes small, so you continually feel like you are getting focused, one on one instruction. The atmosphere is fun and supportive, and she always challenges me to push as hard as I can. I practically stalked her until I could get in to The Lair and now I'm hers for keeps! *evil laugh*"

− Elaine Mullane - hard working Lair regular

"Without Linda's expert tuition and instruction I would not have recovered so well from a back injury. I attribute my current strength and fitness to my regular Pilates class. I would be lost without it."

− Aileen McGrath - Open Water Swimmer, Lair regular

"Linda is true professional - She demonstrates, teaches, and motivates in a unique, precise and effective manner. She will individualise your programme to meet your needs and ensure top class results within a realistic timescale."

− MAURA O'SULLIVAN RYAN, Former Managing Director of National Council in Exercise and Fitness (NCEF), Health Fitness Consultant, regular client at The Lair

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